How to Clean a Dog Bed of Urine

How to clean a dog bed of urine
Most dog owners have gone through the experience of finding out that their pet has wet their dog bed at some stage or another. It is very common for dogs to eventually soil or urinate on their beds, especially when your dog is a puppy. That is also a common problem for older dogs that have incontinence problems.

We understand how unpleasant these situations are. The odor of dog urine can make your stomach turn. If you have discovered that your pet’s bed is smelling like pee, don’t panic. Some people decide to throw the bedding out once this happens.

Even though throwing it away may seem like the most convenient option, it isn’t necessary to waste your money on trashing the bed each time one of these events occurs. You can follow a few simple steps to rid your dog bed of those unpleasant smells!

Tips On How To Clean Urine Of A Dog Bed

There are different methods to remove urine from your furry friend’s bedding, but you need to ensure you have the right supplies and cleaning equipment before washing their bedding. Depending on how strong the bed smells and how deeply the urine has penetrated the fabric, here is a list of the supplies you might need:

  1. Face Mask (we strongly recommend using it)
  2. Rubber Gloves
  3. Baking Soda
  4. Vinegar
  5. Enzymatic Stain Remover
  6. Pet-Safe Laundry Detergent
  7. Scrubbing Brush (if you are not going to use your washing machine)

And here is a step-by-step process to remove urine from your dog bed:

‣ Refer To The Care Label On Your Dog Bed

The label on the bedding will give you advice on whether you can wash the bed in a machine. You can usually find the directions or care instructions on the bed’s box or the manufacturer’s website. It is essential to stick to these instructions to ensure the bed lasts for as long as possible.

Most dog bed products contain fabrics you can wash in a machine or by hand, but certain materials may require spot cleaning. If you can’t find laundry instructions on the label, don’t assume that you can wash the bedding in your machine.

Usually, Beds that you cannot wash in a machine contain stuffing or fabrics that may tear or shrink. It makes sense that you would want to avoid damaging or destroying your dog’s bed.

‣ Move The Bedding To An Appropriate Workspace

Put your face mask and rubber gloves on. You might feel that a mask is a bit over the top, but it is not pleasant or safe to breathe in urine fumes. Work on the dog bed in an area where the urine cannot soak into another surface or fabrics.

You want to avoid spreading these odors around your house or getting the urine on your hands or skin. The best locations to take on these projects are in a bathtub, a tiled floor, or outdoors.

‣ Pre-Treat The Outside Cover With An Enzymatic Product

An enzyme-based, pet-safe odor and stain remover are useful to remove stains, smells, and urine from the cover of the dog’s bed. There are many odor and stain-eliminating products, including a few designed specifically for pet urine. These are non-toxic products that you can find in pet stores, veterinarian offices, or online stores.

These products are superior to standard pre-treatment liquids that often contain chlorine and ammonia. These chemicals can irritate the airways and skin of your pets.

Rather than using these harmful chemicals, the active enzymes chemically neutralize smells and eliminate urine stains rather than just masking the smell with another fragrance rather than using these toxic chemicals. The enzyme-based odor and stain remover also minimize the chances of your pet developing an allergy or skin reaction.

‣ If Possible, Remove The Covers

If your dog bed features a removable cover, you are in luck. High-quality dog bedding usually comes with an outer cover that you can unzip and wash separately. If your dog bed comes with one of these covers, the cleaning process will be easier and faster when compared to other types of beds.

If one doesn’t have a removable cover, it is also good to invest in a waterproof liner or cover to make it easier to clean the bed after any future accidents. We will cover the information on waterproof liners a bit further down.

‣ Soak The Bedding

The next step involves soaking the cover and the bedding in warm soapy water. Use a pet-friendly detergent to prevent the risks of your dog developing a skin problem. Soak the bedding for at least an hour.

Soak the cover and bedding in a washing machine if you can. If the label on the bed says that it is safe to use warm or tepid water, this can help to lift the odors out of the fabric.

‣ Put The Covers And The Bed In Your Washing Machine

Some dog beds can go in a washing machine, while others may require hand washing. If your bedding is safe to put in a washing machine, make sure you use a pet-safe detergent.

If you are not sure what product to use, consult with a vet. Organic detergents are usually the safest option. Check on the label of the dog bed and choose the most rigorous option available. to fit into

‣ Washing A Dog Bed By Hand

If you cannot wash the bedding in a machine since it is too big to fit into a washer or the label states that it is unsafe to wash the bed in a machine (this is usually the case with therapeutic dog beds), you will have to wash it by hand. For example, you won’t be able to wash one of the memory-foam dog beds in your washing machine.

When it comes to cleaning one of these beds, we suggest following the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Use your hands or a brush to scrub the bedding. When the soapy water starts to smell bad, change it.

‣ Add Vinegar (Optional)

Vinegar is one of the natural cleaners that you can use to deodorize and clean your dog bed. Vinegar also neutralizes and breaks down the molecules responsible for creating bad smells.
Since vinegar has a pH level of 3.0-5.5 depending on the type, it helps to kill microbes and bacteria. You can add a cup of apple cider or white vinegar to help eliminate odors and stains.

‣ Rinse The Dog Bedding Thoroughly

You need to make sure that all the detergents are rinsed out of the dog bed once you are finished laundering. Even when the products are non-toxic, any detergent can cause respiratory or skin allergies. We suggest rinsing the bedding at least twice, and this will help remove chemical residues that may have been left behind.

‣ Add Baking Soda To Your Rinse Cycle (Optional)

Stay away from the chemical-based dryer sheets and instead use baking soda in the rinse cycle. Add 1/2 cup to the washing machine drum before the last rinse. That will help to soften the fabrics and deodorize the bedding.

‣ Dry The Covers And The Bed

Depending on the instructions, you can either dry the dog bed in a dryer or by air, and it is safest to do both. That usually involves hanging it up to dry in the sun, followed by 10 to 15 minutes in your dryer to ensure the bed is completely dry.

Regardless of the method, you decide on, ensure that the bed is arid before giving it back to your dog. Even a little bit of moisture can result in fungal problems resulting in severe respiratory and skin conditions.

‣ Air The Dog Bed Out (Optional)

Fresh air and sunlight can also help to remove pee odors too. Exposing the bedding to UV rays for many hours will kill any odor-causing bacteria, leaving your dog’s bed smelling a lot better.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Clean a Fresh Urine Stain on My Dog’s Bed?

If you catch your dog urinating on its bed, blot the urine immediately using an old cloth or towel. Apply water, baking soda, and vinegar solution using a spray bottle (4 tablespoons of baking soda, 2 cups of warm water, 2 cups of vinegar). To absorb the foul-smelling odor, you can sprinkle baking soda over the stains for older urine stains.

Why Is My Dog Peeing on My Mattress or Bed?

Your doggie may pee on your bed for many different reasons. He may be anxious, nervous, excited, or suffering from a medical condition. Other common causes include marking the house if a dog is not appropriately trained or he doesn’t like how you smell. If you have a nervous or anxious dog, they might wee all over, including your bed.

Is It Normal for a Dog to Pee on Its Bed?

It isn’t normal for dogs to pee in a space where they sleep, even when they are puppies. The causes might not be associated with submissive urination, marking, or poor house training. And the reasons may indicate a more serious issue that may be medically related.

How Can I Deodorize My Dog’s Bed?

Combine a 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1/4 cup of detergent (pet-friendly). This detergent effectively breaks down stains and dirt, while the vinegar will neutralize odors without worrying about negative health problems for your dog. Allow the bedding to soak for at least 30 minutes.

Are There Any Smells that Dogs Don’t like Peeing on?

A combination of oranges and vinegar is off-putting to dogs and will usually deter them from peeing or marking in places where you have sprayed this mixture. You can also use this spray on your furniture if your dog is prone to chewing.

How Long Does the Smell of Dog Pee Last?

Dogs usually return to the same spots to urinate, which can accumulate over time. That can make removing the odors very difficult and result in a very smelly outdoor area. Those unpleasant smells can linger for a long time, lasting for months if not treated properly.

How to Stop My Home from Smelling like Dog Urine?

If your dog has urinated on your carpets, you can use a mixture of water and vinegar (equal amounts). Soak a towel into this mixture and then use it to blot the stains. Use a carpet brush or toothbrush to work the mixture into these stains.

Should I Clean My Washing Machine after Washing Dog Bedding?

You can add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the machine’s rinse cycle. The vinegar will help to loosen any pet hair and remove any odors. At the end of the process, use a damp cloth to wipe the drum down.

Do Dogs Urinate in the Home Out of Spite?

Dogs won’t urinate when they are angry or out of spite. Instead, they usually do this when they have a health problem or out of anxiety or fear, or have no other options but to pee indoors.

To Sum Up

So, how to clean urine from your doggie’s bed? If you find poop, urine stains, or other deep stains, use a pet-safe stain remover before washing the bed. If possible, wash the bedding in a machine or by hand. If you have a massive dog bed, you may consider taking the bed to a laundromat.

And please never rub your dog’s nose in feces or urine, or punish your pet for any accidents. That will only instill fear in your pet and may cause them to hide every time they need to go. Love your pup as he loves you!

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